Monday, July 14, 2008

Fevered Pitch

As Saturdays triathlon approaches, I'm getting more and more obsessed. It shouldn't be like that since there isn't much I can do now but be reasonable this week. I keep looking at my previous races, at last year results for that event, at my friends' results last year and in other other events they raced this year. I'm a mess.

I can't wait to jump in my car on Thursday and GET GOING. I have a 10 hour drive to Jonquiere so I just want that part over with.

The Competition

I was supposed to compete against three of my old buddies. Last time I checked, one has registered for the Sprint instead of the Olympic and another one was sick (see lame explanation about sailing in a hurricane in previous post). The third one is indeed signed up and you can see a picture below.

I've know my main opponent for a while. As you can see in the picture, we have trained together in the past. This is us in the back yard, training in my father's infinite pool (we swam in a circle). If you inspect the picture closely, you might correctly infer that he has a slight edge in the water.

I was going to rely on my cycling and running ability to destroy him. Unfortunately for me, my sick sailor friend is going to let him use his 4000$ bike, instead of the hybrid city bike with fat tires, basket and streamers that he was supposed to be racing. Damn.

My last hope is the run, where I should have the edge. But I have to keep up during the bike. You can see from the picture that I've been riding for a while. I have lost the training wheel, but there's still hope.

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